“I’m afraid of the IEP process…”

“I am afraid of the IEP process.” 

“I’ve missed an IEP meeting.” 

“No one listens to me at those meetings.” 

“I get so emotional I feel like crying in those meetings.”

These things have all been heard by PIC staff.  In fact, we’ve felt the same way.  Most people are afraid of the IEP process.  Even the educators are afraid, in most cases, they want to get things right for your child.  If you miss an IEP meeting, or don’t have the paperwork in order, you can feel like it’s ‘your fault’.  However, jumping in at any time will help your child.  They need you.  You should be listened to at meetings.  You are the most vital part of the team.  Crying at meetings is not something to be ashamed of, most of the people in the room are parents and will understand.  There is a ‘fog’ during emotional meetings and that is why it is helpful to have support there for you.  There are countless parents and caregivers feeling the same way. In fact, whole online community groups have been formed around just these subjects.

Many times there are six teachers/educators and one or two parents. Talk about outnumbered! This is one of the reasons we are willing to come to an IEP meeting with you.  We wait out front until you arrive and go in with you and anyone else you choose to invite.  Honestly, most of the time we don’t even need to speak.  Just having an extra someone that you’ve told your story to, helps you speak up.  Afterward, you have people you can call for support, or to remember what was said. 

Call us for one on one consultation and support.


“I’m considering legal action…”